What Is A Wedge in Golf?
On the course, players face many situations where the issue at hand isn’t shooting long distances but making short, accurate shots. Whether chipping, pitching, or lobbing, a golf wedge is best for short approach shots. Knowing how to assess each situation and decide which club will give you the most significant advantage is the difference between the amateurs and seasoned players.
A wedge is one of the highest lofted and most versatile clubs a golfer can utilize. Usually, golfers will carry several different wedges in their golf bags to use in various short-game scenarios. Each wedge has a distinct purpose, and choosing which one to use depends on the shot you want to achieve.
What Is the Difference Between Golf Wedges?
Mainly, the difference between wedges is the height of the loft each one carries. You can usually find wedges with a loft height ranging from 45 to 64 degrees. The location of your ball and the loft height of each club determines which wedge you'll reach for in your golf bag.
Type of Golf Wedges
Understanding how to use each wedge to your advantage is key to reducing your golf score and becoming a better golfer. Here is a breakdown of the types of golf wedges and how you can use each one:
- Pitching wedges cover longer short-range shots where the ball has room to roll, around 130 yards. With 2-5 degrees of bounce and the lowest loft of 45-48 degrees, the pitching wedge is the more forgiving of wedges. It helps close the distance between you and the green.
- Sand wedges feature a rounded base to help the club glide through sand. It has a loft height of 54 to 58 degrees to increase the ball's speed of getting into the air, which is effective for bunker shots. This club also comes in handy when chipping on the fairway or rough because it has a golf club bounce of 10 to 16 degrees. It’s the most of any wedge, and it generally helps the ball come to a more sudden stop than if hit with a different club.
- Gap wedges, as the name implies, help bridge the gap in loft height between your sand and pitching wedges, so you'll want to consider that when choosing a gap wedge. The loft of these clubs can range from 46 to 54 degrees. Those on the lower end of the spectrum are convenient on the fairway or firm surfaces. On the other hand, gap wedges with a higher loft are more useful when caught in a sand trap or deep rough.
- Lob wedges have the highest loft in golf of all wedges, about 57-62 degrees, making it easy to get under the ball and send it high into the air. Much like the sand wedge, the lob wedge is also effective at getting the ball to stop quickly on greens. Because of this and its high loft, the lob is advantageous for precise short-term approaches but can be harder to yield for beginners.
What Is an A-Wedge in Golf?
Essentially, the A-wedge is a gap wedge that serves as a transition from your set of irons to your sand and lob wedges. A relatively new invention, this club was created by manufacturers to meet the need for a club with slightly less loft and more carry.
Why Is It Called an A-Wedge?
Short for approach, the A-wedge is also commonly referred to as an attack wedge. Whether you call it an A, approach, attack, or gap wedge, it allows you to take precise control of the ball when you're in tight situations.
What Is the A-Wedge Used For?
Calling this an A-wedge is suiting as it is useful for taking aggressive approach shots. You can use an A in several circumstances on the course. Whether attempting a long bunker shot, closing the gap on the fairway, getting yourself out of the rough, or hitting your ball over some water, you’ll find the A-wedge is a versatile tool that can help you keep your golf score low.
What Degrees Is an A-Wedge?
Typically speaking, the loft of an A-wedge is usually around 52 degrees but can range anywhere from 49 to 55 degrees, depending on the manufacturer. Most likely, the loft of your A-wedge will be the highest in your golf bag. It will be the one you reach for when you want height and distance on the ball.
What Wedges Should I Carry?
Except for your putter, you likely hit your wedges more than other clubs you carry in your bag. That's why we believe choosing the most effective combination of these clubs is essential to lowering your golf handicap. Most players carry 3 or 4 wedges with them, and a good rule to go by is keeping 4 degrees of loft between each one.
4 Wedges
If you carry four wedges in your golf bag, we advise having a pitching, sand, lob, and A-wedge to give you the edge in your short game approaches.
3 Wedges
Commonly, iron sets include a pitching and an A-wedge with a loft that can range from 43-50 degrees. Adding a third wedge at 52, 56, and 60 degrees would round out your golf club set.
2 Wedges
Besides the pitching wedge included with your iron set, the two wedges you want to carry with you are a sand wedge at 54-55 degrees and a lob wedge at 58-60 degrees.
Final Thoughts
Ultimately, the number of wedges you should carry depends on your skill and needs. With time, your game will improve as you become more familiar with your strengths, and your selection of wedges will also change.
We hope this guide gives you the confidence to choose what wedges best fit your needs. STITCH Golf has the high-quality fashion and equipment you need to bring your A-game to the course!